A krunched word has no vowels ("A", "E", "I", "O", and "U") and no repeated letters. Removing vowels and letters that appear twice or more from MISSISSIPPI yields MSP. In a krunched word, a letter appears only once, the first time it would appear in the unkrunched word. Vowels never appear.
Krunched phrases similarly have no vowels and no repeated letters. Consider this phrase:
and its krunched version:
Blanks are krunched differently. Blanks are removed so that a krunched phrase has no blanks on its beginning or end, never has two blanks in a row, and has no blanks before punctuation. Otherwise, blanks not removed. If we represent blanks by "_",
krunches to:
where the single remaining blank is shown by "_".
Write a program that reads a line of input (whose length ranges from 2 to 70 characters), and krunches it. Put the krunched word or phrase in the output file. The input line has only capital letters, blanks, and the standard punctuation marks: period, comma, and question mark.