标题 来源 正确数 通过率
寻找大富翁 浙大计算机研究生复试上机考试-2009年 0 ----%
The Next Permutation Greater New York Regional 2009 0 ----%
找出直系亲属 浙大计算机研究生复试上机考试-2009年 0 ----%
Adjacent Bit Counts Greater New York Regional 2009 0 ----%
A+B 浙大计算机研究生复试上机考试-2010年 1 50.0%
Convex Hull of Lattice Points Greater New York Regional 2009 0 ----%
ZOJ问题 浙大计算机研究生复试上机考试-2010年 0 ----%
Interior Points of Lattice Polygons Greater New York Regional 2009 0 ----%
奥运排序问题 浙大计算机研究生复试上机考试-2010年 0 ----%
Binary Clock Greater New York Regional 2008 0 ----%
最短路径问题 浙大计算机研究生复试上机考试-2010年 0 ----%
Recursively Palindromic Partitions Greater New York Regional 2008 0 ----%
Text Messaging Improvement? Greater New York Regional 2008 0 ----%
二叉搜索树 浙大计算机研究生复试上机考试-2010年 0 ----%
Area of Polycubes Greater New York Regional 2008 0 ----%
Twin Prime Conjecture 浙大计算机研究生保研复试上机考试-2011年 0 ----%
Joe’s Triangular Gardens Greater New York Regional 2008 0 ----%
Is It Symmetric 浙大计算机研究生保研复试上机考试-2011年 0 ----%
Extended Normal Order Sort Greater New York Regional 2008 0 ----%
Magic Coupon 浙大计算机研究生保研复试上机考试-2011年 0 ----%
The Two Note Rag Greater New York Regional 2008 0 ----%
Diff 浙大计算机研究生保研复试上机考试-2011年 0 ----%
Spatial Concepts Test Greater New York Regional 2007 0 ----%
Tiling a Grid With Dominoes Greater New York Regional 2007 0 ----%
Cave Crisis Pacific Northwest 2008 0 ----%
Optimal Strategy for the ICPC Pacific Northwest 2008 0 ----%
Repair Depots Pacific Northwest 2008 0 ----%
Centeur ACM-DIY Group Contest 2011 Spring 0 ----%
Crazy Circuits Pacific Northwest 2008 0 ----%
How Many HouGong ACM-DIY Group Contest 2011 Spring 0 ----%
Cubist Artwork Tokyo 2009 0 ----%
Ipad,IPhone ACM-DIY Group Contest 2011 Spring 0 ----%
Repeated Substitution with Sed Tokyo 2009 0 ----%
gxx's Problem ACM-DIY Group Contest 2011 Spring 0 ----%
Swimming Jam Tokyo 2009 0 ----%
Query on a tree ACM-DIY Group Contest 2011 Spring 0 ----%
Separate Points Tokyo 2009 0 ----%
Triangle Conjecture ACM-DIY Group Contest 2011 Spring 0 ----%
Origami Through-Hole Tokyo 2009 0 ----%
Configuration files ACM-DIY Group Contest 2011 Spring 0 ----%
Chemist’s Math Tokyo 2009 0 ----%
How many people have ipad II ACM-DIY Group Contest 2011 Spring 0 ----%
Malfatti Circles Tokyo 2009 0 ----%
Celebration of Stefanie's Wedding The 6th Central China Invitational Programming Contest and 9th Wuhan University Programming Contest Preliminary 0 ----%
Twenty Questions Tokyo 2009 0 ----%
Decrypt coordinate The 6th Central China Invitational Programming Contest and 9th Wuhan University Programming Contest Preliminary 0 ----%
Hobby on Rails Tokyo 2009 0 ----%
Magina The 6th Central China Invitational Programming Contest and 9th Wuhan University Programming Contest Preliminary 0 ----%
Infected Land Tokyo 2009 0 ----%
Permutation The 6th Central China Invitational Programming Contest and 9th Wuhan University Programming Contest Preliminary 0 ----%