标题 来源 正确数 通过率
Beautiful Numbers POJ Monthly--2006.02.26,zgl & twb 0 ----%
Colliding Traffic University of Waterloo Local Contest 2009.02.08 0 ----%
Checking the Text POJ Monthly--2006.02.26,zgl & twb 0 ----%
Zerg Rush!!! University of Waterloo Local Contest 2009.02.08 0 ----%
Distributing tasks POJ Monthly--2006.02.26,zgl & twb 0 ----%
Scrolling Sign University of Waterloo Local Contest 2009.02.08 0 ----%
End of Windless Days POJ Monthly--2006.02.26,zgl & twb 0 ----%
Extended Normal Order Sort HDU-ACM 2009 省赛集训队-组队PK(3) 0 ----%
Feed the dogs POJ Monthly--2006.02.26,zgl & twb 0 ----%
Area of Polycubes HDU-ACM 2009 省赛集训队-组队PK(3) 0 ----%
Going from u to v or from v to u? POJ Monthly--2006.02.26,zgl & twb 0 ----%
The Two Note Rag HDU-ACM 2009 省赛集训队-组队PK(3) 0 ----%
Housewife Wind POJ Monthly--2006.02.26,zgl & twb 0 ----%
Joe’s Triangular Gardens HDU-ACM 2009 省赛集训队-组队PK(3) 0 ----%
Unequalled Consumption Northwestern Europe 2005 0 ----%
Recursively Palindromic Partitions HDU-ACM 2009 省赛集训队-组队PK(3) 0 ----%
Declaration of Content Northwestern Europe 2005 0 ----%
Laserbox Northwestern Europe 2005 0 ----%
Equilibrium Mobile NWERC 2008 0 ----%
Bowlstack Northwestern Europe 2005 0 ----%
Proving Equivalences NWERC 2008 0 ----%
Pesky Heroes Northwestern Europe 2005 0 ----%
Cat vs. Dog NWERC 2008 0 ----%
Reduced ID Numbers Northwestern Europe 2005 0 ----%
Disgruntled Judge NWERC 2008 0 ----%
Tantrix Northwestern Europe 2005 0 ----%
Easy Climb NWERC 2008 0 ----%
Guardian of Decency Northwestern Europe 2005 0 ----%
Sculpture NWERC 2008 0 ----%
Up the Stairs Northwestern Europe 2005 0 ----%
Matchsticks NWERC 2008 0 ----%
Happy 2006 POJ Monthly--2006.03.26,static 0 ----%
White Water Rafting NWERC 2008 0 ----%
Long Long Message POJ Monthly--2006.03.26,Zeyuan Zhu,"Dedicate to my great beloved mother." 0 ----%
Shuffle NWERC 2008 0 ----%
The Number of the Same BST POJ Monthly--2006.03.26,newton88518 0 ----%
Videopoker NWERC 2008 0 ----%
Cheat at Math POJ Monthly--2006.03.26,Zeyuan Zhu,Modified from Timus 1429 0 ----%
Bordering on Madness 2008 East Central Regional Contest 0 ----%
Count Color POJ Monthly--2006.03.26,dodo 0 ----%
Jack of All Trades 2008 East Central Regional Contest 0 ----%
DNA Sequence POJ Monthly--2006.03.26,dodo 0 ----%
LCR 2008 East Central Regional Contest 0 ----%
Atom Bombs!? God! POJ Monthly--2006.03.26,Zeyuan Zhu,Modified from NEERC2005 Area 0 ----%
Party Party Party 2008 East Central Regional Contest 0 ----%
Linearity POJ Monthly--2006.03.26,static 0 ----%
Su-Su-Sudoku 2008 East Central Regional Contest 0 ----%
The mysterious X network Southwestern Europe 2005 0 ----%
Tanks a Lot 2008 East Central Regional Contest 0 ----%
Bin Packing Southwestern Europe 2005 0 ----%