标题 来源 正确数 通过率
Moving Tables Asia 2001, Taejon (South Korea) 274 57.6%
To the Max Greater New York 2001 0 ----%
Wooden Sticks Asia 2001, Taejon (South Korea) 262 76.6%
P,MTHBGWB Greater New York 2001 0 ----%
Tian Ji -- The Horse Racing 2004 Asia Regional Shanghai 255 76.1%
Plato's Blocks Greater New York 2001 0 ----%
Entropy Greater New York 2000 249 75.0%
Set Me Greater New York 2001 0 ----%
Strategic Game Southeastern Europe 2000 245 56.8%
The Troublesome Frog IOI 2002 0 ----%
Color a Tree Asia 2004, Beijing (Mainland China) 265 85.2%
BULK MAILING Pacific Northwest 1998 0 ----%
HangOver Mid-Central USA 2001 294 81.9%
IMMEDIATE DECODABILITY Pacific Northwest 1998 0 ----%
A New Growth Industry Mid-Atlantic USA 2001 340 33.9%
FILE MAPPING Pacific Northwest 1998 0 ----%
Humble Numbers University of Ulm Local Contest 1996 401 61.9%
The Gourmet Club Pacific Northwest 1998 1 100.0%
Dividing Mid-Central European Regional Contest 1999 372 73.4%
Chutes and Ladders Pacific Northwest 1998 0 ----%
Leftmost Digit 302 37.0%
Modular multiplication of polynomials Taejon 2001 0 ----%
Rightmost Digit 294 64.1%
青蛙的约会 浙江 0 ----%
Text Reverse 241 57.8%
昂贵的聘礼 浙江 0 ----%
Exponentiation East Central North America 1988 0 ----%
Flip and Shift Taejon 2001 0 ----%
Financial Management Mid-Atlantic USA 2001 165 48.2%
Cable master Northeastern Europe 2001 0 ----%
I Think I Need a Houseboat Mid-Atlantic USA 2001 165 60.7%
Wooden Sticks Taejon 2001 0 ----%
Last non-zero Digit in N! South Central USA 1997 0 ----%
Treasure Hunt East Central North America 1999 0 ----%
Gap Asia 2003(Aizu Japan) 237 75.2%
取石子游戏 NOI 0 ----%
Girls and Boys Southeastern Europe 2000 237 74.8%
Parencodings Tehran 2001 0 ----%
Monkey and Banana University of Ulm Local Contest 1996 236 64.7%
The Bermuda Triangle Tehran 2001 0 ----%
Milk 268 36.7%
Deformed Wheel Tehran 2001 0 ----%
The area 167 67.1%
Illusive Chase Tehran 2001 0 ----%
Nightmare 104 22.8%
Puzzle Out Tehran 2001 0 ----%
Online Judge 2 13.3%
The Willy Memorial Program Tehran 2001 0 ----%
Doing Homework 282 78.8%
Parallel Expectations Tehran 2001 0 ----%