The scientific committee members of the 26th ACM/ICPC, who design the contest problems, use the following encryption algorithm to communicate the problem drafts securely through the Internet. To encrypt a text, all occurrences of each letter is replaced with another letter (possibly itself), such that no two letters are encrypted to the same letter. Both original and encrypted texts consist of only upper-case letters and blanks. Blanks are not encrypted and are repeated exactly in the encrypted text. As an example, the string GSRH RH GSV URIHG HZNKOV is the encrypted form of THIS IS THE FIRST SAMPLE according to the encryption table (A -> Z, B -> Y, C -> X,..., Z -> A).
A recipient of a problem draft has lost the encryption table, but he has a dictionary which includes all the possible words appearing in the problems. You are to help him set up a decryption table to enable him restore the original problem draft from the encrypted one. Given a dictionary of the original words used in the text, and the encrypted text, we want to find the right encryption table such that after decrypting the given encrypted text back to the original one, all words can be found in the dictionary.