Suppose you are given many poker cards. As you have already known, each card has points ranging from 1 to 13. Using these poker cards, you need to play a game on the cardboard in Figure 1. The game begins with a place called START. From START, you can walk to left or right to a rectangular box. Each box is labeled with an integer, which is the distance to START.
Figure 1: The poker card game cardboard.
To place poker cards on these boxes, you must follow the rules below: (1) If you put a card with n points on a box labeled i , you got (n ∗ i) points. (2) Once you place a card on a box b, you block the paths to the boxes behind b. For example, in Figure 2, a player places a queen on the right box of distance 1, he gets 1 ∗ 12 points but the queen also blocks the paths to boxes behind it; i.e., it is not allowed to put cards on boxes behind it anymore.
Figure 2: Placing a queen.
Your goal: Given a number of poker cards, find a way to place them so that you will get the minimum points. For example, suppose you have 3 cards 5, 10, and K. To get the minimum points, you can place cards like Figure 3, where the total points are 1 * 13 + 2 * 5 + 2 * 10 = 43.
Figure 3: An example to place cards.