Your program should simulate one game of pinball. There are several input lines that describe the game. The first line gives integers m and n, separated by a space. This describes a cartesian grid where 1 <= x <= m , 1 <= y <= n and on which the game is ``played''. It will be the case that 2 < m < 51 and 2 < n < 51. The next line gives the integer cost for hitting a wall. The next line gives the number of bumpers, an integer p >= 0 . The next p lines give the x position, y position, value, and cost, of each bumper, as four integers per line separated by space(s). The x and y positions of all bumpers will be in the range of the grid. The value and cost may be any integer (i.e., they may be negative; a negative cost adds lifetime to a ball that hits the bumper). The remaining lines of the file represent the balls. Each line represents one ball, and contains four integers separated by space(s): the initial x and y position of the ball, the direction of movement, and its lifetime. The position will be in range (and not on top of any bumper or wall). The direction will be one of four values: 0 for increasing x (right), 1 for increasing y (up), 2 for decreasing x (left), and 3 for decreasing y (down). The lifetime will be some positive integer.