The DoubleVision company designs inks and fonts that can be easily read by both humans and machines. They design their fonts on a rectangular grid. Shown below is a very simple 5x3 design for the first five digits.
.o. .o. oo. oo. o.o
o.o .o. ..o ..o o.o
o.o .o. .o. oo. ooo
o.o .o. o.. ..o ..o
.o. .o. ooo oo. ..o
The ink appears to be normal black ink, but just underneath the surface DoubleVision adds a special polymer that can be detected by an infrared scanner. A human sees the black ink but not the polymer, and a machine sees the polymer but not the black ink. The only problem is that the polymer is much more expensive than the ink, so DoubleVision wants to use as little of it as possible. They have discovered that with many fonts, each symbol can be uniquely identified by at most two pixels. By only adding the polymer to one or two pixels per symbol, they drastically lower costs while still ensuring 100% accuracy in their scanners. The font shown above has this property; pixels that uniquely identify each letter are highlighted with '#'. (There are other choices that would work as well.)
.#. .o. #o. oo. o.#
#.o .#. ..o ..o o.o
o.o .o. .o. #o. ooo
o.o .o. #.. ..o ..o
.o. .o. ooo #o. ..o
Your job is to write a program to determine if a given font has this property, and if so highlight the pixels.