The input contains the description of several robberies. The first line of each description consists of three numbers W, H, t (1 <= W,H,t <= 100) where W is the width, H the height of the city and t is the time during which the city is locked.
The next contains a single integer n (0 <= n <= 100), the number of messages the inspector received. The next n lines (one for each of the messages) consist of five integers ti, Li, Ti, Ri, Bi each. The integer ti is the time at which the observation has been made (1 <= ti <= t), and Li, Ti, Ri, Bi are the left, top, right and bottom respectively of the (rectangular) area which has been observed. (1 <= Li <= Ri <= W, 1 <= Ti <= Bi <= H; the point (1, 1) is the upper left hand corner, and (W, H) is the lower right hand corner of the city.) The messages mean that the robber was not in the given rectangle at time ti.
The input is terminated by a test case starting with W = H = t = 0. This case should not be processed.