There are $n$ houses in Bytetown, labeled by $1,2,...,n$. In each house, there is a person living here. Little Q lives in house $1$. There are $n-1$ bidirectional streets connecting these houses, forming a tree structure. In this problem, $S(u,v)$ denotes the house set containing all the houses on the shortest path from house $u$ to house $v$.
The Bytetown's phone line network consists of $m$ different lines. The $i$-th line can be expressed as $5$ integers $a_i,b_i,c_i,d_i,w_i$, which means for every two different houses $u$ and $v$ from set $S(a_i,b_i)\cup S(c_i,d_i)$, $u$ and $v$ can have a phone call costing $w_i$ dollars.

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Little Q is now planning to hold a big party in his house, so he wants to make as many as possible people known. Everyone known the message can make several phone calls to others to spread the message, but nobody can leave his house.
Please write a program to figure out the maximum number of people that can join the party and the minimum total cost to reach that maximum number. Little Q should be counted in the answer.