Yellowstar is studying solid geometry recently,and today’s homework is about the space,plane and sphere.So he draw many planes and spheres in the draft paper.These infinite planes and (the surface of)spheres divides the whole drawing space(which can be considered as a infinite 3D-space) into many disjoint regions.Planes and spheres forms the borders of these regions,and they don’t belong to any regions.
Then he comes up with a crazy idea:color the whole space with crayons.He wants that one region has only one color,and two adjacent regions should be colored differently (“adjacent” means the area of two regions’ common borders is greater than zero).Unfortunately,he has only two crayons:a yellow one and a red one.
Yellowstar likes yellow very much,so he gives some coordinates.The regions these points belong to should be colored yellow.
Given positions of all the planes and spheres and the coordinates mentioned above.You should determine:Is there a way to satisfy all the requests?Yellowstar also gives some other coordinates.He wants to know which color they will be while all the requests are satisfied.