Carelessly designed cryptographic primitives leave your secret as bared as plain text. It is not a surprise that seemingly "random" hash functions are weak. Consider the function of the following form:
unsigned int hash(unsigned int x) {
x += 0x327b7473u;
x &= 0xffffafffu;
x ^= 0x90283712u;
x |= 0x00300000u;
x += 0x89129723u;
x ^= 0x464726ccu;
x &= 0xfffff8ffu;
return x;
The function maps an integer to another integer and intends to make the result random. All statements are of the form: x (some operator) (some number). Possible operators are: add (+=), subtract (-=), bitwise-and (&=), bitwise-xor (^=), and bitwise-or (|=). Due to the nature of fixed size integer, there is an implicit modulo 4294967296 operation after each statement.
However, it is a rather weak hash function from a cryptographic point of view. To demonstrate its weakness, you are requested to find an input x that maximizes the output.
In this example the best x is 1841992591 and the maximum output is 4292342015.