The input contains a description of several issuers. Each of them begins with a line containing an integer N, one space, and a code of the stock issuer. After the first one, there are N other lines, each representing one bid. A bid consists of an agent name, one space character, a word specifying the bid type in lowercase letters (either "buy" or "sell") another space character, and a price given as a decimal number with exactly three digits after the decimal point. All buy bids always specify the maximal price, sell bids list the minimal price for which the agent wants to sell the stocks.
Every issuer code consist of 1-10 uppercase letters ("A" - "Z"). Agent names have at least 1 and at most 20 characters and may be composed of both lowercase and uppercase letters. For one issuer, all agent names are always unique, but the same agents may post bids for several issuers. The number of bids ( N ) will never exceed 1000. No price will be higher than 10000.
The last line of the input contains the string "0 END".