Winston the Worm just woke up in a fresh rectangular patch of earth. The rectangular patch is divided into cells, and each cell contains either food or a rock. Winston wanders aimlessly for a while until he gets hungry; then he immediately eats the food in his cell, chooses one of the four directions (north, south, east, or west) and crawls in a straight line for as long as he can see food in the cell in front of him. If he sees a rock directly ahead of him, or sees a cell where he has already eaten the food, or sees an edge of the rectangular patch, he turns left or right and once again travels as far as he can in a straight line, eating food. He never revisits a cell. After some time he reaches a point where he can go no further so Winston stops, burps and takes a nap.
For instance, suppose Winston wakes up in the following patch of earth (X's represent stones, all other cells contain food):

If Winston starts eating in row 0, column 3, he might pursue the following path (numbers represent order of visitation):

In this case, he chose his path very wisely: every piece of food got eaten. Your task is to help Winston determine where he should begin eating so that his path will visit as many food cells as possible.