标题 来源 正确数 通过率
Doing Windows North Central North America 1997 0 ----%
Red and Black Asia 2004, Ehime (Japan), Japan Domestic 0 ----%
Numerically Speaking North Central North America 1997 0 ----%
Round and Round We Go Greater New York 2001 0 ----%
Booklet Printing Mid-Central USA 1998 0 ----%
Numerically Speaking North Central North America 1997 0 ----%
Finding Rectangles Mid-Central USA 1998 0 ----%
Basic University of Waterloo Local Contest 2003.01.25 0 ----%
Don't Get Rooked Mid-Central USA 1998 0 ----%
How Many Fibs? University of Ulm Local Contest 2000 0 ----%
Self Numbers Mid-Central USA 1998 0 ----%
XYZZY University of Waterloo Local Contest 2003.09.27 0 ----%
Do the Untwist Mid-Central USA 1998 0 ----%
Palindromes South Central USA 1995 0 ----%
Word Amalgamation Mid-Central USA 1998 8 88.9%
Prime Cuts South Central USA 1996 0 ----%
Pipe Fitters Duke Internet Programming Contest 1993,UVA 121 0 ----%
Inversion Zhejiang University Local Contest 2002, Preliminary 0 ----%
Street Numbers New Zealand 1990 Division I,UVA 138 0 ----%
Reverse Text Southwestern Europe 1996, Practice 0 ----%
棋盘问题 蔡错@pku 0 ----%
Floppies Southwestern Europe 1996, Practice 0 ----%
Chocolate Beijing 2002 0 ----%
Perfection Mid-Atlantic USA 1996 0 ----%
Game Prediction Beijing 2002 0 ----%
Pseudo-Random Numbers North Central North America 1996 5 50.0%
Holedox Moving Beijing 2002 0 ----%
Is It A Tree? North Central North America 1997 0 ----%
Machine Schedule Beijing 2002 0 ----%
Box of Bricks Southwestern Europe 1997 0 ----%
Mileage Bank Beijing 2002 0 ----%
Definite Values Southwestern Europe 1997, Practice 0 ----%
Moving Object Recognition Beijing 2002 0 ----%
IBM Minus One Southwestern Europe 1997, Practice 0 ----%
Radar Installation Beijing 2002 0 ----%
Hanoi Tower Troubles Again! OIBH Reminiscence Programming Contest 0 ----%
Circle Through Three Points Southern California 1989,UVA 190 0 ----%
Deck South Central USA 1998 0 ----%
Nearest Common Ancestors Taejon 2002 0 ----%
Function Run Fun Pacific Northwest 1999 0 ----%
Multiply Taejon 2002 0 ----%
LC-Display Mid-Central European Regional Contest 1999 0 ----%
Finding Liars Taejon 2002 0 ----%
Smith Numbers Mid-Central European Regional Contest 2000 0 ----%
Christmas Gifts Taejon 2002 0 ----%
Perfect Cubes Mid-Central USA 1995 0 ----%
Two Mountaineers Taejon 2002 0 ----%
Basically Speaking Mid-Central USA 1995 0 ----%
Digital Onion Taejon 2002 0 ----%
Word Index East Central North America 1995 0 ----%