Alabama Mobiles Inc. designs and manufactures mobiles, lightweight ``kinetic sculptures" consisting of a bar hanging from a string tied about its center. From each end of the bar hangs a string supporting either a small decorative object of some kind or another, smaller mobile. A well-designed mobile must have the weights of all the decorative items balanced, so that each bar in the mobile will naturally tend to hang horizontally. In addition, the lengths of the bars must be chosen so that each bar can rotate freely without striking the other bars, decorative objects, or the strings connecting them.
Write a program to read a partial design for a new mobile and determine if it can be balanced and if, once balanced, the elements will swing freely without bumping or entangling with one another.
Each mobile will be described as a collection of bars and decorative objects. You will be given the lengths of the bars, the weights of all but one object, and all information on how the bars and objects are connected to one another. You may assume that the bars are made of a lightweight material so that their weight and the weight of the connecting strings are negligible compared to the weights of the decorative objects. You should assume that all connecting strings are of the same length. Every mobile will have at least one bar.