Dave Johnson is a book collector. Over the years, he collected so many books that he decided he needed to buy some new bookcases. He bought enough cases, of different quality, to fit all of his books. One problem remained, however. He wanted to put his favorite books in a special display on the top shelf of his best bookcase. This shelf is wide enough to fit at most 10 books.
This would normally be an easy task, but Dave is particular about the way he displays his favorite books. Not only must they be sorted alphabetically by title, but also there must never be two books next to each other that have the same letter in the same position in the title. Note that Dave looks only at alphabetical characters in the titles of his books, skipping spaces, apostrophes, etc., and he ignores the case of the letters. Thus, in the title "Portnoy's Complaint", 's' is the 8th character, and 'c' is the 9th character. As an example, "The Grapes Of Wrath" and "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" cannot be next to each other since the third letter of each title is the letter 'e'.
In order to help make this decision, Dave has assigned an emotional value to each of his books. Given a list of titles and the emotional value of each book, your job is to help Dave decide which books should go on his top shelf so as to maximize the total emotional value of all of the books.