What a game collection it would be without famous and well known word puzzle. Also KOKODáKH contains this game. Typical word puzzle is a rectangular array filled with letters, and the list of words. The goal is to find the words form the list in the array and to score out all their letters. After scoring out the letter can still be part of any other word (words can cross and overlap). When all words from list are found and scored out there are several remaining letters. These letters, read in rows, create the secret word. The words can be found in all eight directions, including diagonal directions.
It is clear that KOKODáKH has to bring some innovation into this game. The new rule says that the word can "jump over" the array boundary and continue on the opposite side. Upper row is thus next to the bottom row and the left collum is next to the right one. If we number the rows with numbers 0 till R-1 and collums with numbers 0 till S-1, we can describe each field in the array by the coordinates. For example (0,0) is the upper left corner. Word beginning on the position (x,y) can be created by succesion of characters with coordinates (x,y), ((x+i+R) mod R, (y+j+S) mod S), ((x+2i+R) mod R, (y+2j+S) mod S) and so on. The i and j can be substitued by numbers -1, 0 and +1, but they cannot be both zero at the same time.