Start the output for each scenario with a line containing "Scenario #i:", where i is the number of the scenario starting at 1. Then print a graphical (or rather textual) representation of all intersections that can be reached with the given amount of petrol, along with the units of petrol necessary to go there. In this graphical representation, print the slices of the smallest axis-aligned three-dimensional cube containing all the intersections in the range, and label the slices from the bottom to the top starting at 1. For each slice,start the output with a line containing "slice #s:", where s is the number of the slice. In the lines that follow, print a graphical representation of all the intersections in that slice, using
- the digits 0 to 9 for intersections in the range, representing the amount of petrol necessary to go there,
- and the dot "." for intersections not in the range.
Print an additional blank line after each scenario.