For each data set, print the correctly indented XML (4 spaces per indent level):
<Kalii Index=N>
<startdate>(start date)</startdate>
<rate>(tax rate)</rate>
<enddate>(end date)</enddate>
N should be replaced by the data set number, (start date) by the start date, (tax rate) by the tax rate, and (end date) by the end date. If no output could be computed because of either bad or ambiguous data, simply print <Kalii Index=N >BAD INPUT</Kalii>, where N should be replaced by the data set number.
Note: The format for the start date is DDMMMYY. The format for the end date is 15MMMYY. Where DD is the zero-padded day of month (01-31), MMM is the month in upper-case letters (JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY,JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC), and YY is the zero-padded last 2 digits of the year (00-99).
Note: The tax rate should be accurate to 3 decimal places.