Consider the following pattern of positive integers:
3 3 1
3 1
Note that each row is left-justified and no longer than its preceding row. Also, the entries in each row,when read left to right, are non-increasing and the entries in each column, when read top to bottom are non-increasing. We will call such a pattern a stacking pattern (SP) because such a pattern can represent a way of stacking cubes in a corner in the following way: if you consider placing the topmost row and leftmost column against walls, then the SP gives a bird's-eye view of how many cubes are stacked vertically. The SP above represents the following corner stacking:
We will call the wall against the topmost row the right wall , and the wall against the leftmost column the left wall. Here is another SP and the corner stacking it represents:
Note that if you rotate a corner stacking so the left wall becomes the floor and the floor becomes the right wall, you still have a corner stacking. (We will call this a left rotation.) Likewise, you would still have a corner stacking if you rotate so the right wall becomes the floor and the floor becomes the left wall. (We will call this a right rotation.) So the SP of the left and right rotations of the first SP given above are
3 2 1 3 3 2
2 1 1 2 1 1
2 1 1
You should check that both the left and right rotations of the second example SP are identical to the original SP.