The input consists of several test cases. In the first line of each test case there are 4 numbers n, k, p, d which are the number of airports, towers, planes and minimum expected number of towers to be damaged, respectively. In the I'th line of the next n lines there are two integers x and y indicating the position of the I'th airport. Then, in the I'th line of the next k lines the re are two integers x and y indicating the position of the I'th tower and finally in the I'th line of the next p lines there are 5 integers h, m, f, t, s indicating that the I'th plane leaves the airport f to airport t at time h:m(hour and minute of the flight) with speed s kilometers per second. The test case with n=k=p=d=0 represent the end of input file. All coordinates are in kilometer. (n<=50, k<=50, p<=90)