The input contains the descriptions of several scenarios in which Trisha tries to escape. Every description starts with a line containing two integers n and k. n is the number of cities through which Trisha's escape may take her, and k is the number of flights she will take. The cities are numbered 1, 2, ..., n, where 1 is Paris, her starting point, and n is Atlanta, her final destination. The numbers will satisfy 2 <= n <= 10 and 1 <= k <= 1000.
Next you are given n(n - 1) flight schedules, one per line, describing the connection between every possible pair of cities. The first n - 1 flight schedules correspond to the flights from city 1 to all other cities (2, 3, ..., n), the next n - 1 lines to those from city 2 to all others (1, 3, 4, ..., n), and so on.
The description of the flight schedule itself starts with an integer d, the length of the period in days, with 1 <= d <= 30. Following this are d non-negative integers, representing the cost of the flight between the two cities on days 1, 2, ..., d. A cost of 0 means that there is no flight between the two cities on that day.
So, for example, the flight schedule "3 75 0 80" means that on the first day the flight costs 75, on the second day there is no flight, on the third day it costs 80, and then the cycle repeats: on the fourth day the flight costs 75, there is no flight on the fifth day, etc.
The input is terminated by a scenario having n = k = 0.