In e-mail the following format for date and time setting is used:
EDATE::=Day_of_week, Day_of_month Month Year Time Time_zone
Here EDATE is the name of date and time format, the text to the right from ``::=" defines how date and time are written in this format. Below the descriptions of EDATE fields are presented:
The name of a day of the week. Possible values: MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN. The name is followed by ``," character (a comma).
A day of the month. Set by two decimal digits.
The name of the month. Possible values: JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC.
Set by two or four decimal digits. If a year is set by two decimals it is assumed that this is a number of the year of the XX century. For instance, 74 and 1974 set a year of 1974.
Local time in format hours:minutes:seconds, where hours, minutes and seconds are made up of two decimal digits. The time keeps within the limits from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.
Offset of local time from Greenwich mean time. It is set by the difference sign ``+" or ``-"and by sequence of four digits. First two digits set the hours and the last two the minutes of offset value. The absolute value of the difference does not exceed 24 hours. Time zone can also be presented by one of the following names:
Name Digital value
UT -0000
GMT -0000
EDT -0400
CDT -0500
MDT -0600
PDT -0700
Each two adjacent fields of EDATA are separated with exactly one space. Names of day of the week, month and time zone are written in capitals. For instance, 10 a.m. of the Contest day in St.Petersburg can be presented as
TUE, 03 DEC 96 10:00:00 +0300
Write a program which transforms the given date and time in EDATE format to the corresponding date and time in Moscow time zone. So called ``summer time" is not taken into consideration. Your program should rely on the predefined correctness of the given Day-of-week and Time-zone.
A note
Moscow time is 3 hours later than Greenwich mean time (time zone +0300)
Months: January, March, May, July, August, October and December have 31 days. Months: April, June, September and November have 30 days. February, as a rule, has 28 days, save for the case of the leap year (29 days).
A year is a leap year if valid one out of two following conditions:
its number is divisible by 4 and is not divisible by 100;
its number is divisible by 400.
For instance, 1996 and 2000 are the leap years, while 1900 and 1997 are not.