Consider the AC circuit below. We will assume that the circuit is in steady-state. Thus, the voltage at nodes 1 and 2 are given by v
1 = V
S cos
wt and v
2 = V
Rcos (
wt +
q ) where V
S is the voltage of the source,
w is the frequency (in radians per second), and t is time. V
R is the magnitude of the voltage drop across the resistor, and
q is its phase.
You are to write a program to determine V
R for different values of
w. You will need two laws of electricity to solve this problem. The first is Ohm's Law, which states v
2 = iR where i is the current in the circuit, oriented clockwise. The second is i = C d/dt (v
2) which relates the current to the voltage on either side of the capacitor. "d/dt"indicates the derivative with respect to t.