Kanari recently worked on perfect numbers.
Perfect numbers are a special kind of natural numbers. A number is a perfect number if and only if the sum of all the true factors (divisors other than itself) is equal to itself. Such as $6=1+2+3$, $28=1+2+4+7+14$, etc.
Kanari made a kind of semi-perfect number of his own according to the definition of perfect number.
Let $S$ be the set of all the true factors of the natural number $X$. If there is a subset of $S$ such that the sum of the numbers in the subset is equal to the number itself, the number is said to be semi-perfect.
Obviously, all perfect numbers are semiperfect numbers. In addition, there are some numbers that are not perfect, and they also belong to Kanari's semi-perfect numbers. For example, the true factors set of $24$ is $\{1,2,3,4,6,8,12\}$, we can select a subset $\{2,4,6,12\}$, meet that $24=2+4+6+12$. So $24$ can be called a semi-perfect number.
Kanari wants to know if he can find an integer $k$ which is a multiple of positive integer $p$, such that $k$ is a semi-perfect number.
Since Kanari is not good at math, he wants the $k$ not to be too large ($k\leq 2\times 10^{18}$), and the size of the subset is not larger than 1000. He wants you to give the subset you select.