A string whose each character is either `C` or `P` is called a *CP-String*, so there are $2^N$ different *CP-Strings* of length $N$. We define the *CCPCness* of a *CP-String* as the number of the most non-overlapping `CCPC` as its substrings.
For example, the *CCPCness* of `CCPCCCPC` is $2$, but the *CCPCness* of `CCPCCPC` is $1$ because the chosen `CCPC` substrings can not overlaps.
You are given an integer $N$, and you need to calculate the sum of *CCPCness* of all the $2^N$ different *CP-Strings* of length $N$. The answer may be too large, so you just need to output it modulo $(10^9+7)$.