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Koishi loves counting problems.
There are two permutations $P_1,P_2$. Each permutation consists of $n$ integers from $1$ to $n$.
Koishi wants to merge them. She has an array $A$. Initially $A$ is empty. In each operation, Koishi will compare two head elements of $P_1,P_2$, select the smaller one, erase it from the permutation and append it to $A$, if the two head elements are the same, Koishi can select one of them arbitrarily, and if one of permutation is already empty, Koishi will select the head element from the other one. Koishi will do this operation repeatedly until the two permutations are all empty.
What's more, Koishi can also select $P_1$ and $P_2$ arbitrarily. Given $n$,How many different $A$ can be generated? modulo $998244353$