Given an integer $n$, a sequence $a[1..n]$ is randomly generated with equal probability, namely, $a_i \in [1,n]$, $\forall i \in [1,n]$. Note that it may be not a permutation of $1..n$.
To turn it into $a_i=i,\forall i \in [1,n]$, you can perform any of the following two operations for any times:
1.Choose $i,j \in [1,n],i\not = j$, swap $a_i,a_j$ costing $1$.
2.Choose $i,v \in [1,n]$, set $a_i = v$ costing $k$.
For example, if you perform operations of the first kind for $5$ times and perform operations of the second kind for $4$ times, then it will cost you $4 \times k + 5$.
Denote $cost_k(a)$ as the minimum total cost for the sequence $a$ with the parameter $k$. For each $k \in [0,2]$, print the mathematical expectation $E(cost_k(a))$ $mod$ $998244353 $.
Now, you need to answer the above question for each $n \in [1,N]$. That is to say, you should print $3 \times N$ values in total.