International Combat Aerobatics Competition “Avian Darts” is opening soon and Andrei was selected as a participant.
He and his wingmen planned several awesome aerobatic flights that will certainly delight the judges and award them gold medals. The only problem is to form a formation at the end of competition and that’s why they want to know their exact coordinates and attitudes after performing aerobatics.
He navigates his aircraft by using the joystick and pedals to roll, pitch and yaw. Aerobatic flights consist of courses whose rotational speeds about three axes of the aircraft are given. As you know, direction of velocity always aims the frontwards of the aircraft.
Their aircrafts are $5^{th}$ generation aircrafts: “Су-57 (Sukhoi-57)”. Therefore, they are not affected by weather and never enter a stall which means that they’re very safe during flight.
You can ignore thrust vectoring, angle of attack, size of aircraft, lift, air resistance, inertia and gravity in this problem.