You are given a string $S = s_1s_2..s_{|S|}$ containing only lowercase English letters. For each integer $i \in [1, |S|]$ , please output how many substrings $s_ls_{l + 1}...s_r$ satisfy the following conditions:
$\quad$ $\bullet$ $r - l + 1$ equals to $i$.
$\quad$ $\bullet$ The substring $s_ls_{l + 1}...s_r$ is a palindrome string.
$\quad$ $\bullet$ $s_ls_{l + 1}...s_{ \lfloor (l + r) / 2 \rfloor }$ is a palindrome string too.
$|S|$ denotes the length of string $S$.
A palindrome string is a sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as $madam$ or $racecar$ or $abba$.