There are mutiple test cases, the number of which is no more than 10. For each test case:
The first line of input contains three integers $ m_x, m_y, m_z (1\leq m_x, m_y, m_z\leq99)$ , which represent the coordinate range of all possible cubes (i.e. all possible cubes are in the cuboid area whose body diagonal is from $(1,1,1)$ to $(m_x, m_y, m_z)$).
Following input a 0/1 matrix with $m_x$ lines and $m_y$ columns representing the front view, and the $y$-th column of the $x$-th row represents the projection of all the cubes in the front view such as $(x, y, ?)$.
Following input a 0/1 matrix with $m_y$ lines and $m_z$ columns representing the side view, and the $z$-th column of the $y$-th row represents the projections of all the cubes in the side view such as $(?, y, z)$.
Following input a 0/1 matrix with $m_z$ lines and $m_x$ columns representing the top view, and the $x$-th column of the $z$-th row represents the projection of all the cubes of the top view such as $(x, ?, z)$.
The '$?$' in the above coordinates represents any integer. Numbers in the same line are separated by spaces. For more detailed input information, please see the sample.