Sociologists have proposed a model to predict the development of cities in a country. The model works as follows.
Suppose, that there are $n$ cities in the country numbered 1 through $n$, and there are $k$ different levels of administrative divisions in this country. City is the lowest level (i.e., the $k$-th level) administrative division. Every $i$-th level administrative division has exactly $n_i$ cities, where $n \bmod n_1 = n_1 \bmod n_2 = \cdots = n_{k-1} \bmod n_k = 0$, and $n_k = 1$. Also, two cities numbered $a$ and $b$ belong to the same $i$-th level administrative division if and only if $\lceil a/n_i \rceil = \lceil b / n_i \rceil$. It is clear that two cities belonging to the same lower level administrative division must belong to the same higher level administrative division.
The model owes the development of a city both to the city itself, and to the mutual interactions between cities. Obviously, the interaction between closer cities is stronger. We introduce the concept of $\textit{lowest common administrative level}$ (LCA for short) to characterize the closeness between two cities. Formally, for two cities numbered $a, b$, $\mathrm{LCA}(a, b)$ is defined as
$$\mathrm{LCA}(a, b) = \max\{i : a, b \text{ belong to the same $i$-th level administrative division}\}$$
In case that city $a$ and $b$ don't belong to any common administrative division, we define $\mathrm{LCA}(a, b) = 0$. Also, we have $\mathrm{LCA}(a, a) = k$. Let $d_t(x)$ denote the development index of the $x$-th city in the $t$-th year, then the model says that
$$ d_{t+1}(x) = \sum_{i = 1}^n \rho_{\mathrm{LCA}(x, i)} d_t(i) $$
where $\rho_i$ $(0 \leq i \leq k)$ is called the interaction coefficient between two cities $a, b$ with $\mathrm{LCA}(a, b) = i$.
Now, given the initial development indexes of all cities, can you use this model to predict the development indexes after $T$ years?