Patrick Star bought a bookshelf, he named it ZYG !!
Patrick Star has $N$ book .
The ZYG has $K$ layers (count from $1$ to $K$) and there is no limit on the capacity of each layer !
Now Patrick want to put all $N$ books on ZYG :
1. Assume that the i-th layer has $cnt_i(0 \le cnt_i \le N)$ books finally.
2. Assume that $f[i]$ is the i-th fibonacci number ($f[0] = 0, f[1] = 1, f[2] = 1, f[i] = f[i - 2] + f[i - 1]$).
3. Define the stable value of i-th layers $stable_i = f[cnt_i]$.
4. Define the beauty value of i-th layers $beauty_i = 2^{stable_i} - 1$.
5. Define the whole beauty value of ZYG $score = gcd(beauty_1, beauty_2, ..., beauty_k)$(Note: $gcd(0, x) = x$).
Patrick Star wants to know the expected value of $score$ if Patrick choose a distribute method randomly !