Kazari is too bored this summer holiday, she decides to play with formulas.
First of all, she comes up with two positive integers $N, K$.
She loves power, therefore she builds a sequence $a$ where $a_i = i ^ K$ $(1 \le i \le N)$.
She loves summation, therefore she calculate the partial sum of $a$ as $s$, i.e. $s_i = \sum_{j \le i} {a_j}$ $(1 \le i \le N)$.
She also loves coprimes, therefore she calculate the sum of elements in $s$ whose index $i$ is coprime to $N$, i.e. $v = \sum_{1 \le i \le N, \gcd(i, N) = 1} {s_i}$
Your task is to work out $v$. Since the answer is too large, print it modulo $998244353$.