Kazari is learning depth-first search. More precisely, she is doing an experiment about it.
Consider an unrooted tree with $n$ vertices and an empty array called $A$.
She randomly chooses a vertex $s$ as root and starts from $s$ to walk around, following the rules below.
* When she enters a vertex $x$ for the first time, she append $x$ to $A$ at once.
* If some adjacent vertex has not been visited, she randomly chooses one and walks into it.
* If all adjacent vertices have been visited,
* If she is at root, the experiment is done.
* If she is not at root, she walks into the vertex which is the most nearest to root.
Among all possible arrays that $A$ is likely to be finally, Kazari wishes to count how many of them is lexicographically smaller than the given array $B$. Since the answer is too large, print it modulo $10 ^ 9 + 7$.