The story begins with bomberman growing bored of making bombs in an underground factory of the Bungeling Empire. After hearing a rumor that robots reaching his surface become human, he decides to escape. When he does, he transform into an organic human being. To distinguish him from other bombermen, our main character is given the name White Bomber. However another bomberman, known as Black Bomber is an enemy due to a programming error, trying to destroy the entire map.
A two dimensional lattice with a coefficient $H~(4\le H\le 100)$ describes the map. All pairs of integers $(x,y)$ satisfying $x+y=H$ or $x+y=H+1$ but $(0,H+1),(0,-H-1),(H+1,0)$ and $(-H-1,0)$ make up the range. Were a bomb deployed at a grid $(x,y)$ by Black Bomber, all grids around it would disappear, including $(x-1,y-1)$, $(x-1,y)$, $(x-1,y+1)$, $(x,y-1)$, $(x,y)$, $(x,y+1)$, $(x+1,y-1)$, $(x+1,y)$ and $(x+1,y+1)$ if exist.
The location of the bomb is an uniformly random every time when Black Bomber deploys it, but bombs can not be placed at disappeared grids. Black Bomber deploys a bomb and ignites it, then deploys anothor bomb and ignites it again. He stops if the whole map has been destroyed. Help White Bomber calculate the expected number of bombs which would be deployed by Black Bomber. Furthermore, if White Bomber has discovered the first grid which Black Bomber would select, what is the expected number of bombs that would be deployed.