Mr. Frog learned a basic data structure recently, which is called stack.There are some basic operations of stack:
$\bullet $ PUSH x: put x on the top of the stack, x must be 0 or 1.
$\bullet $ POP: throw the element which is on the top of the stack.
Since it is too simple for Mr. Frog, a famous mathematician who can prove "Five points coexist with a circle" easily, he comes up with some exciting operations:
$\bullet $REVERSE: Just reverse the stack, the bottom element becomes the top element of the stack, and the element just above the bottom element becomes the element just below the top elements... and so on.
$\bullet $QUERY: Print the value which is obtained with such way: Take the element from top to bottom, then do NAND operation one by one from left to right, i.e. If $a_{top},a_{top-1},\cdots , a_1$ is corresponding to the element of the Stack from top to the bottom, $value = a_{top}$ nand $a_{top-1}$ nand ... nand $a_1$. Note that the Stack will not change after QUERY operation. Specially, if the Stack is empty now,you need to print ”Invalid.”(without quotes).
By the way, NAND is a basic binary operation:
$\bullet $ 0 nand 0 = 1
$\bullet $ 0 nand 1 = 1
$\bullet $ 1 nand 0 = 1
$\bullet $ 1 nand 1 = 0
Because Mr. Frog needs to do some tiny contributions now, you should help him finish this data structure: print the answer to each QUERY, or tell him that is invalid.