ZZX has a sequence of boxes numbered $1,2,...,n$. Each box can contain at most one ball.
You are given the initial configuration of the balls. For $1 \leq i \leq n$, if the $i$-th box is empty then $a[i]=0$, otherwise the i-th box contains exactly one ball, the color of which is a[i], a positive integer. Balls with the same color cannot be distinguished.
He will perform m operations in order. At the i-th operation, he collects all the balls from boxes l[i],l[i]+1,...,r[i]-1,r[i], and then arbitrarily put them back to these boxes. (Note that each box should always contain at most one ball)
He wants to change the configuration of the balls from a[1..n] to b[1..n] (given in the same format as a[1..n]), using these operations. Please tell him whether it is possible to achieve his goal.