A connected, undirected graph of $N$ vertices and $M$ edges is given to CRB. A pair of vertices ($u$, $v$) ($u$ < $v$) is called critical for edge $e$ if and only if $u$ and $v$ become disconnected by removing $e$. CRB’s task is to find a critical pair for each of $M$ edges. Help him!
There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer $T$, indicating the number of test cases. For each test case: The first line contains two integers $N$, $M$ denoting the number of vertices and the number of edges. Each of the next $M$ lines contains a pair of integers $a$ and $b$, denoting an undirected edge between $a$ and $b$. 1 ≤ $T$ ≤ 12 1 ≤ $N$, $M$ ≤ $10^{5}$ 1 ≤ $a$, $b$ ≤ $N$ All given graphs are connected. There are neither multiple edges nor self loops, i.e. the graph is simple.
For each test case, output $M$ lines, $i$-th of them should contain two integers $u$ and $v$, denoting a critical pair ($u$, $v$) for the $i$-th edge in the input. If no critical pair exists, output "0 0" for that edge. If multiple critical pairs exist, output the pair with largest $u$. If still ambiguous, output the pair with smallest $v$.