Multiply test cases(less than $10$. Cases in which $n > {10}^{4}$ will not exceed $3$). Seek $EOF$ as the end of the file.
For each case, there are two integers $n, q$ in the first line.($n,q \leq 3*10^{4}$)
In the following $n$ lines, there are four integers $wb_i, hb_i, wg_i, hg_i$($1 \leq wb_i, hb_i, wg_i, hg_i \leq 10^{3}$), indicating the weight and the height of the boy and the girl on node $i$.
Then comes $n - 1$ lines with two integers, indicating edges of the tree.(nodes are numbered from $1$ to $n$)
Then comes $q$ lines with two integers $u, v$ indicating an query.