Dshawn is a tuhao. He has a lot of money. One day, he gave A dollars to kuangbin and cxlove. kuangbin got B dollars and cxlove got C dollars. Obviously, A = B + C.
wuyiqi is very curious, he want to know the A,B and C. But they didn’t tell him. Just tell him some information about the three numbers.
Dshawn said that the number A has N1 digits in its decimal representation (without extra leading zero). Assume the digits of its decimal expansion from the left to the right are a0, a1, ..., aN1 - 1. Dshawn didn’t tell wuyiqi all the digits but tell him M1 digits.
kuangbin said that the number B has N2 digits in its decimal representation (without extra leading zero). Assume the digits of its decimal expansion from the left to the right are b0, b1, ..., bN2 - 1. kuangbin didn’t tell wuyiqi all the digits but tell him M2 digits.
cxlove said that the number C has N3 digits in its decimal representation (without extra leading zero). Assume the digits of its decimal expansion from the left to the right are c0, c1, ..., cN3 - 1. cxlove didn’t tell wuyiqi all the digits but tell him M3 digits.
You should find the number of possible {A, B, C}. It is possible that someone tells lies, so if the information given is inconsistent with any possible {A, B, C}, you should also detect this.