The land price on the MMM island is extremely high. So people on the island all live in a very tall tower with one million floors!! There are N electric service companies (labeled 1 to N) and M power stations on the island. One power station belongs to exactly one company.
At the beginning, the company of each power station is given, and a company can choose one floor to build a power center. Assuming that there are k power stations (on floor a1,a2,...,ak) that belong to a company, and the company chooses floor x to build the power center, the daily cost of this company would be |a1-x|+|a2-x|+...+|ak-x|. MMM, the master of the island, has made a special rule:
x1 <=> x2 <=> x3 <=> ... <=> xn
The operator <=> can be either <= or >=. It means that the power centers chosen by the adjacent companies should follow the specified order. For example, if the rule is x1 <= x2 >= x3, it means that the power center of company 1 should not be higher than that of company 2, and the power center of company 2 should not be lower than that of company 3. Though there is no constraint between company 1 and company 3. If company 1 chooses floor 2 for the power center and company 2 chooses floor 3, the station of company 3 can only be in floor 1, 2 or 3.
Your task is to help the companies calculate their minimum total daily cost.