Terrorists are around everywhere, they always make troubles by detonating bombs. The terrorist have some gunpowder to make bombs, different gunpowder has different damage, every kind of gunpowder can use any times, and the power of one bomb is the product of the gunpowder it consists of. Let’s see how they make a bomb.
At the beginning they decide to use X parts of gunpowder to make a bomb, and then choose X parts of gunpowder, every time the damage of the gunpowder they choose can’t be smaller than the last time they choose excepting the first time. After choosing X parts gunpowder terrorists get gunpowder[1], gunpowder[2] ... gunpowder[X] ( gunpowder[1] <= gunpowder[2] <= ... <= gunpowder[X]), and then mix the X parts gunpowder to generate a bomb with power of the product of the damage of the gunpowder. Terrorists make bombs in some order, if they make bomb_A before bomb_B one of the following conditions should meet.
(1)Terrorists use less parts gunpowder to make bomb_A than bomb_B.
(2)Terrorists both use X parts of gunpowders to make bomb_A and bomb_B. There exist an integer j(j <=X),for all i < j,gunpowder_A[i] = gunpowder_B[i] and gunpowder_A[j] < gunpowder_B[j].
Now, the police get the gunpowder by some way, police find that the gunpowder’s damage is in the range of A to B(A, B included), police want to know the K-th bomb with the power in the range of L to R(L, R included).