Totalfrank and wlkilluajay have their lucky numbers. As we all know, 16 or any number contains 16 (116 for example) is lucky number for totalfrank and 2 or any number contains 2 (1723 for example) is lucky number for wlkilluajay.
Totalfrank is a normal guy who reads from left to right while wlkilluajay enjoys reading from right to left which means 16 to totalfrank is 61 to wlkilluajay.
Since their lucky numbers changes often, here is the simple counting question for you: given totalfrank’s and wlkilluajay’s lucky number and an interval, how many numbers in the given interval is at least a lucky number for one of them? Notice that wlkilluajay always read from right to left so a number which is outside the interval (in totalfrank’s perspective) may be inside the interval when it is read from right to left (in wlkilluajay’s perspective), you should also count that in (See samples for more details). By the way, because they read from different direction, 0 may be a problem (for example, if 2 is a lucky number for wlkilluajay, then 20, 200… is also a lucky number for her. But when read from right to left, they are all just 2 and there may be infinite lucky numbers for her in a given interval in a normal guy’s eyes). From this aspect, they decide to ignore any number contains 0.