Several dwarfs are trapped in a deep well. They are not tall enough to climb out of the well, so they want to make a human-pyramid, that is, one dwarf stands on another's shoulder, until the dwarf on the top can reach the top of the well when he raise his arms up. More precisely speaking, we know the i-th dwarf's height from feet to shoulder is Ai, and his arm length Bi. And we know the height of the well is H. If we can build a dwarf-tower consists of dwarf 1, dwarf 2, ..., dwarf k from bottom to top, such that A1 + A2 + ... + Ak-1 + Ak + Bk >= H, then dwarf k can escape from the well. Obviously, the escaped dwarf can't be used to build tower again.
We want the escaped dwarfs as many as possible. Please write a program to help the dwarfs.