Welcome to KFC!
We love KFC, but we hate the looooooooooong queue.
Z is a programmer; he’s got an idea on the queue time computing.
Z chooses the shortest queue at first time.
He wrote a j2me program to predicate the time he have to wait in the queue. Now, he comes to KFC to test his program.
BUT, he ignored some important things to get the precise time.
* People choose different foods
* Time used on foods various
W encountered him just while his wondering on the problem, so he discussed it with HER.
W suggested that they can add variables to this
* A type ,who is looking down on the cell phone novel should come here alone, will call for 1 hamburger, 1 drink and 1 small fries
* B type, two talkative lovers, 1 hamburger and 1 drink for each one and another big fires
* C type, middle aged father/mother looks, brings their child out. 3 hamburgers, 3 drinks and two big friezes.
Generally represent the types usually appear, not the exactly math work.
They reprogram the app on W’s HTC-G1 with bash, run it and go for the fastest queue.