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3753:Alignment of Code

You are working in a team that writes Incredibly Customizable Programming Codewriter (ICPC) which is basically a text editor with bells and whistles. You are working on a module that takes a piece of code containing some definitions or other tabular information and aligns each column on a fixed vertical position, while keeping the resulting code as short as possible, making sure that only whitespaces that are absolutely required stay in the code. So, that the first words on each line are printed at position p1 = 1; the second words on each line are printed at the minimal possible position p2, such that all first words end at or before position p2 - 2; the third words on each line are printed at the minimal possible position p3, such that all second words end at or before position p3 - 2, etc.
For the purpose of this problem, the code consists of multiple lines. Each line consists of one or more words separated by spaces. Each word can contain uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, all ASCII punctuation marks, separators, and other non-whitespace ASCII characters (ASCII codes 33 to 126 inclusive). Whitespace consists of space characters (ASCII code 32).
The input begins with an integer T. The next T blocks each represents a case. Each case contains one or more lines of the code up to the end of case mark-a single '@' in a single line. All lines are terminated by a standard end-of-line sequence in the file. Each line contains at least one word, each word is 1 to 80 characters long (inclusive). Words are separated by one or more spaces. Lines of the code can have both leading and trailing spaces. Each line in the input file is at most 180 characters long. There are at most 1000 lines for each case.
For each case, write to the output file the reformatted, aligned code that consists of the same number of lines, with the same words in the same order, without trailing and leading spaces, separated by one or more spaces such that i-th word on each line starts at the same position pi.
  start:  integer;   // begins   here
stop:   integer; //   ends   here
 s:   string;   
c:    char;   //  temp
start: integer; // begins here
stop:  integer; // ends   here
s:     string;
c:     char;    // temp
Author Roman Elizarov
Recommend notonlysuccess

该题目是Virtual Judge题目,来自 杭电HDUOJ

源链接: HDU-3753

最后修改于 2020-10-25T23:06:41+00:00 由爬虫自动更新

共提交 0

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时间上限 内存上限
4000/2000MS(Java/Others) 32768/32768K(Java/Others)