A rectangle in the Cartesian plane is specied by a pair of coordinates (x1 , y1) and (x2 , y2) indicating its lower-left and upper-right corners, respectively (where x1 ≤ x2 and y1 ≤ y2). Given a pair of rectangles,A = ((xA1 , yA1 ), (xA2 ,yA2 )) and B = ((xB1 , yB1 ), (xB2 , yB2 )), we write A ≤ B (i.e., A "precedes" B), if xA2 < xB1 and yA2 < yB1 :In this problem, you are given a collection of rectangles located in the two-dimension Euclidean plane. Find the length L of the longest sequence of rectangles (A1,A2,…,AL) from this collection such that A1 ≤ A2 ≤ … ≤ AL.