While cleaning your parents' attic, you discovered a box containing many documents describing the relationships among your ancestors. Given these documents, you are interested in answering a number of questions about the relationships implied by the document. Fortunately, all your ancestors have unique names so it is possible to make many inferences without any confusion.
It is assumed that all relationships (implied or given) satisfy the following:
*A person can be either male, female, or have an unknown (undetermined by the data set) sex;
*a person can have at most one spouse (of the opposite sex), and X is Y's wife if and only if Y is X's husband;
*a person can have at most one mother and at most one father that can be inferred from the given data;
*if a person has a mother and father, then the mother and father are married;
*the children of a person's spouse are that person's children as well;
*the spouse of a son (or daughter) is not considered to be a daughter (or son). In other words, "sons" and "daughters" refer to biological sons and daughters.
The information provided will be consistent, and you may assume there are no hidden relationships that are not explicitly stated or implied by the above rules of consistency.